little joys

Hurrying to work

Someone lets you in their lane

Give a little wave

Getting into bed

A small ball of fur curled up

Waiting there for you

Day has been average

Find cat sitting in pot plant

Day suddenly good

Make dog wait for treat

Accidentally forget him

Dog just waits and waits

Partner or housemate

Returns from doing shopping

With surprise chocolate

One hour yoga class

Instagram free one hour

Ignore everyone

When your cup of tea

Reaches the right temperature

Perfect for drinking

Sitting on a chair

Cat decides to sit with you

You have been chosen

An empty inbox

Nothing to do or send

Nothing to forget

The sad little plant

Inconsolable, droopy

A new little leaf

A slice of fresh bread

Warm so the butter melts in

Sprinkle of sea salt

The morning shower

Standing under the water

Nothing else to do

The boring podcast

Vanilla but so soothing

To fall asleep to

Ring of the doorbell

The postman has a parcel

Forgot was coming

Feeling stressed out but

Dog rests his head on cushion

Just like a person

Unpleasant weather 

No guilt for staying inside

Scrolling internet 

Mary Grace



coming back to myself


a love letter to melancholy